Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I'm Already Struggling

It's already hard for me to continue to write for this blog. I'm not entirely sure why that is but I'm going to take a stab at several reasons.
The first reason being that a blog post is a creative undertaking. You have to think about what you're going to write and how you're going to write it. You also have to think about the reader. Are they going to like it? What if they don't? What if they do? I feel putting yourself out there creatively is much harder than anything else because firstly, it's very subjective and secondly, there's a little bit of yourself in said creative act. Therefore, if someone deems your creative endeavor bad, it feels like they have also condemned a little piece of you to be bad and that's a very frightening and disheartening concept. Nonetheless, here I am and I don't know if this is good or bad yet.
Not knowing where this blog might be going is another concept I find hard to deal with. Generally, the end is always in sight. The semesters over, I just have to make it till then. College ends in two and a half years and then I can move on. Anything so tangible being so uncertain is a little hard to wrap my head around. Of course, I have no followers as of yet, so I wouldn't be letting anybody down if I stopped. Well, except myself.
Lastly, and I think I'm going to make a whole blog post about this next week, I'm an internet kid. I grew up in a world where anything I wanted to know or find out about was at my fingertips. I could always find something funny to watch or something cool to learn about. Basically, the internet has always been easy. This blog makes the internet hard.
We'll have to see where this goes.
Scroll along for the ride!

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