Tuesday, December 2, 2014

College: The Ups and Downs

Here I am. About to finish my third semester of college. I'm actually supposed to be working on several different assignments, all of which are due this week, but I'm listening to One Direction, surfing the internet, and writing this blog post instead. Go me. But seriously guys (speaking to the huge number of people that are reading this, of course) college is a tedious time. Don't get me wrong. Higher education has its perks like being on your own and being able to do your own thing. See, that's exactly my problem. I'm on my own. I don't mind being able to do things for myself but college is a very lonely time in my life. I'm a naturally talkative and outgoing person in a group, but that doesn't mean that I don't feel like I have no one to talk to and no one to share anything with. College is truthfully a very selfish time in your life. Think about it. You use other people's money (generally) to work on a career path that will be all your own. Other people's problems don't matter to you so much because your struggles, will I get an A or a B on the next exam?? are so much more important. Life doesn't give you a whole lot to be proud of or invest in and you're too busy trying to pass to go find out what you can invest and be proud in. Personally, I believe college to be very overrated and over priced and, while I'm trying to make the most out of this experience, it's hard to keep it from being an unproductive and isolating time. But those are just my two cents.
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