Wednesday, February 18, 2015

This Is An Internet Rant. I Apologize In Advance.

This post is going to be a little bit of a rant. Maybe a lotta bit more than a rant. I am extremely annoyed at the internet at the moment. You have been warned.
Last night my roommates and I decided to stay in and have a Just Dance extravaganza. (I do apologize to the people in the apartment below us; we shook the building quite a bit). The apartment possesses two wii controllers and houses four people which means that two people were sitting out per term. Because we're college students and incapable of making conversation, I spent a lot of time on my phone waiting for it to be my turn. Whilst scrolling through my Twitter timeline, I happened across a certain post by Sincerely Tumblr. Given the name, this particular account mainly reposts snippets of Tumblr blogs and, as I cannot get into Tumblr, I generally enjoy following them. This time though, I just got really really annoyed.
Somebody, I don't know who, posted a picture of two eyebrows, one done up or "on fleek" as the kids say, and the other just a normal eyebrow. A harmless picture. No. It was not harmless. Not. At. All. Some poor unfortunate Tumblr users (I assume male based on the comments but bear in mind this is Tumblr so I have no idea) commented that they liked the natural eyebrow better. Hallelujah, one might think. Some guys have decided women look better without makeup. No. This is Tumblr. You can never do anything right. Some girl decided these guys needed to be brought down a peg. She (again, we're assuming the user is a she because Tumblr) went off on these poor users for stating they enjoyed the natural eyebrow. Didn't they know girls wear make-up to feel pretty and good about themselves?? Didn't they know girls don't wear make-up for anyone else but themselves? Women don't need the approval of men to feel confident in themselves and couldn't the men understand that?
I am so disgusted by all of this I don't have the words.
I cannot tell you the amount of times I've heard how a man's comment can destroy a girl. Personally, I had a guy tell me my forehead was too big once, something I had never even thought about before, and now I live in mortal terror of having a forehead the size of Africa. People seek approval from others. That's just the way it is. That does not mean, though, that anyone deserves to be ridiculed for what they think looks good especially if it is different from your own opinion. My best friend likes guys with tattoos. I'm not a fan of tattoos. I'm a fan of the clean shaven or slightly scruffy jawline. She appreciates a full beard. Does this mean either of us is wrong? No. Do we tear each other to sherds for having different opinions? No. Does this mean that I get upset when a guy has tattoos or a full beard? No.
My point is, people express themselves differently. They're allowed to do that. You're allowed to have an opinion on the way they express themselves. You are. Don't give me that look. What you may not do, is judge them. Tell them or yourself that they are in anyway wrong for having that opinion. (Obviously, we aren't talking extremes here. I'm not sure the way Ed Gein expressed himself falls into the category of "allowing someone to be entitled to their opinion." Look him up). You especially may not inform someone you don't know over the internet that their opinion is wrong. You are telling someone you do not know that their opinion is inferior to your own. Anonymously. On the internet. Where it will be forever. Be nice. Respect other people and their opinions. And be sure to have a thick skin when you put your opinions out on social media.
Ok. I need to stop. Rant over.
Scroll on down!

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